The hotel and parking garage would be built south of the casino on Redding Rancheria Road. Win-River wants to spend $90 million ? nearly three times the combined cost of Big League Dreams Sports Park, the Redding Soccer Park and the Redding Aquatic Center ? to build a destination resort where its current casino sits.Īn eight-story, 175-room hotel, a five-story parking garage, new 2,000-seat multipurpose events center, steakhouse and buffet dining room, and 1,000 extra gaming machines would be part of the expansion. Payroll: From $12 million annually to $20 million annually.Īccounts payable: Increase to about $30 million a year of which roughly $9 million will go to local vendors.Įvents center seating: From 1,000 to 2,000. The proposed casino development would roughly double the size of existing gaming facilities.